ČSN EN 13979-1 (280525) Aktuální vydání

Železniční aplikace - Dvojkolí a podvozky - Celistvá kola - Postup technického schvalování - Část 1: Kovaná a válcovaná kola

ČSN EN 13979-1 Železniční aplikace - Dvojkolí a podvozky - Celistvá kola - Postup technického schvalování - Část 1: Kovaná a válcovaná kola
titulní stránka
(kliknutím zvětšíte)
Cena: 570 Kč
včetně 0 % DPH
tisk na počkání

Anotace obsahu normy

This document specifies a design assessment procedure for a forged and rolled monobloc wheel (RST). This assessment is carried out before the wheel is commissioned. This document specifies, in particular, the assessment to be performed in order to use wheels on a European network which, in addition, have quality requirements in conformity with those specified in EN 13262:2020.
This assessment requires that the conditions of use for the wheel are defined and this document provides a method for defining those conditions.
The assessment of the design covers four aspects:
- a geometrical aspect: to allow interchangeability of different solutions for the same application;
- a thermomechanical aspect: to manage wheel deformations and to ensure that braking will not cause wheels to fracture;
- a mechanical aspect: to ensure that no fatigue cracks occur in the wheel web and that no permanent deformation occurs under exceptional loading;
- an acoustic aspect: to ensure that the solution chosen is as good as the reference wheel.
This document does not cover assessment of the hub or the rim.
This document has been drawn up for wheels of non-powered tread-braked wheelsets and applies in full to this type of wheel. For wheels on which mounted brake discs are mounted or toothed transmission wheels or even wheels with noise reduction devices, the requirements may be amended or supplemented.
For urban railway vehicles, other standards or documents may be used.

Označení ČSN EN 13979-1 (280525)
Katalogové číslo 519118
Cena 570 Kč570
Datum schválení 1. 6. 2024
Datum účinnosti 1. 7. 2024
Jazyk angličtina (obsahuje pouze anglický originál)
Počet stran 68 stran formátu A4
EAN kód 8596135191185
Tato norma nahradila ČSN EN 13979-1 (280525) z května 2022
Dostupnost skladem (tisk na počkání)