ČSN EN 15501 ed. 2 (727243) Zrušená norma

Tepelněizolační výrobky pro zařízení budov a průmyslové instalace - Průmyslově vyráběné výrobky z expandovaného perlitu (EP) a exfoliovaného vermikulitu (EV) - Specifikace

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Anotace obsahu normy

This European Standard specifies the requirements for factory made expanded perlite and exfoliated vermiculite products which are used for the thermal insulation of building equipment and industrial installations with an operating temperature in the range of approximately 0 °C to + 1 100 °C.
Expanded perlite and exfoliated vermiculite products can be used below 0 °C but special tests regarding the suitability of the product in the intended application are advised (e.g. liquefaction of oxygen). Manufacturer's advice should be heeded in all cases.
The products are manufactured in the form of boards, pipe sections, segments, prefabricated ware and special ware.
This European Standard describes product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, evaluation of conformity, marking and labelling.
Products covered by this European Standard are also used in prefabricated thermal insulation systems and composite panels; the structural performance of systems incorporating these products is not covered.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of a given property that is achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application can be found in regulations and invitations to tender.
Products with a declared thermal conductivity greater than 0,6 W/(mK) at 10 °C are not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard does not cover products intended to be used for the insulation of the building structure.
The European Standard does not cover the following acoustical aspects: direct airborne sound insulation and impact transmission noise index.
This document is identifying those clauses of the standard which are needed for the compliance of the European Standard with the Construction Products Regulation (CPR).
The main technical changes that have been made in this new edition of EN 15501 are the following:
a) an addition to the foreword;
b) an addition in 3.2.2;
c) a new 4.3.8;
d) modification of 5.3.2;
e) modification of Clause 7;
f) modification of Clause 8;
g) modification of Annex A;
h) a new Annex ZA.

Označení ČSN EN 15501 ed. 2 (727243)
Katalogové číslo 99784
Cena 440 Kč440
Datum schválení 1. 7. 2016
Datum účinnosti 1. 8. 2016
Jazyk angličtina (obsahuje pouze anglický originál), připravuje se převzetí v češtině
Počet stran 48 stran formátu A4
EAN kód 8590963997841
Norma byla zrušena k 1. 1. 2017
a nahrazena ČSN EN 15501 ed. 2 (727243)
Dostupnost skladem (tisk na počkání)