This document specifies the general requirements for the competence to perform virtual testing in order to assess the performance of vehicle restraint systems. It covers virtual testing performed using finite element methods and multi-body methods.
This document is applicable to all organizations performing virtual testing dealing with vehicle restraint systems.
Laboratory customers, regulatory authorities and accreditation bodies can also use this document in confirming or recognizing the competence of laboratories.
Označení | ČSN CEN/TR 18186 (737003) |
Katalogové číslo | 520722 |
Cena | 230 Kč230 |
Datum schválení | 1. 3. 2025 |
Datum účinnosti | 1. 4. 2025 |
Jazyk | angličtina (obsahuje pouze anglický originál) |
Počet stran | 16 stran formátu A4 |
EAN kód | 8596135207220 |
Dostupnost | skladem (tisk na počkání) |