This document specifies the requirements for classification of tubular cored electrodes with or without a gas shield for metal arc welding of high-strength steels in the as-welded condition or in the post-weld heat-treated condition with a minimum yield strength higher than 550 MPa or a minimum tensile strength higher than 590 MPa. One tubular cored electrode can be tested and classified with different shielding gases, if used with more than one.
This document is a combined specification providing classification utilizing a system based upon the yield strength and an average impact energy of 47 J of the all-weld metal, or utilizing a system based upon the tensile strength and an average impact energy of 27 J of the all-weld metal.
Subclauses and tables which carry the suffix "system A" are applicable only to tubular cored electrodes classified under the system based upon the yield strength and an average impact energy of 47 J of the all-weld metal given in this document.
Subclauses and tables which carry the suffix "system B" are applicable only to tubular cored electrodes classified under the system based upon the tensile strength and an average impact energy of 27 J of the all-weld metal given in this document.
Subclauses and tables which do not have either the suffix "system A" or the suffix "system B" are applicable to all tubular cored electrodes classified under this document.
It is recognized that the operating characteristics of tubular cored electrodes can be modified by the use of pulsed current but, for the purposes of this document, pulsed current is not used for determining the electrode classification.
Označení | ČSN EN ISO 18276 (055505) |
Katalogové číslo | 520211 |
Cena | 440 Kč440 |
Datum schválení | 1. 1. 2025 |
Datum účinnosti | 1. 2. 2025 |
Jazyk | angličtina (obsahuje pouze anglický originál), připravuje se převzetí v češtině |
Počet stran | 40 stran formátu A4 |
EAN kód | 8596135202119 |
Norma je platná do | 1. 4. 2025 |
a bude nahrazena | ČSN EN ISO 18276 (055505) |
Tato norma nahradila | ČSN EN ISO 18276 (055505) z října 2017 |
Dostupnost | skladem (tisk na počkání) |