ČSN EN 16005 +A1 (747040) Aktuální vydání

Motoricky ovládané dveře - Bezpečnost při používání - Požadavky a zkušební metody

ČSN EN 16005 +A1 Motoricky ovládané dveře - Bezpečnost při používání - Požadavky a zkušební metody
titulní stránka
(kliknutím zvětšíte)
Cena: 590 Kč
včetně 0 % DPH
tisk na počkání

Anotace obsahu normy

This document specifies requirements regarding design and test methods for power operated pedestrian doorsets. Examples of how the doorset constructions may be operated include: electro-mechanically, electro-hydraulically, electro-magnetically or pneumatically.
This document covers safety in use of power operated pedestrian doorsets used for normal access as well as in emergency and escape routes and as fire resistance and/or smoke control doorsets.
The type of doorsets covered include power operated pedestrian sliding, swing and revolving doorsets, including balanced doorsets and folding doorsets with a horizontally moving door leaf.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to power operated doorsets when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
All lifetime phases of the power operated pedestrian doorsets including transportation, assembly, dismantling, disabling and scrapping are considered by this document.
This document does not apply to:
- vertically moving doors;
- doors on lifts;
- doors on vehicles;
- power operated doors or gates mainly intended for vehicular traffic or access for goods;
- doors used in industrial processes;
- partition walls;
- doors outside the reach of people (such as crane gantry fences);
- turnstiles;
- platform doors;
- traffic barriers.
This document does not cover special functions of doorsets, such as security in banks, airports, etc. or fire and/or smoke compartmentation, where conformity of the specific function with requirements of the application is the preference.
This document does not deal with any specific requirements on noise emitted from power operated pedestrian doorsets as their noise emission is not considered to be a relevant hazard.
This document is not applicable to power operated pedestrian doorsets manufactured before the date of its publication.
This document does not cover operation in environments where there is a risk of explosion.

Označení ČSN EN 16005 +A1 (747040)
Katalogové číslo 519374
Cena 590 Kč590
Datum schválení 1. 7. 2024
Datum účinnosti 1. 8. 2024
Jazyk angličtina (obsahuje pouze anglický originál)
Počet stran 72 stran formátu A4
EAN kód 8596135193745
Tato norma nahradila ČSN EN 16005 (747040) z dubna 2024
Dostupnost skladem (tisk na počkání)