ČSN EN ISO 13577-2 (065011) Zrušená norma

Průmyslové pece a přidružená zařízení - Bezpečnost - Část 2: Zařízení ke spalování a manipulaci s palivy

ČSN EN ISO 13577-2 Průmyslové pece a přidružená zařízení - Bezpečnost - Část 2: Zařízení ke spalování a manipulaci s palivy
titulní stránka
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Anotace obsahu normy

This document specifies the safety requirements for combustion and fuel handling systems that are part of industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment (TPE), including single and multiple burner systems in thermoprocessing equipment and machines.
NOTE - The general safety requirements common to TPE are provided in ISO 13577-1:2016. ISO 13577-1:2016, Annex B also includes a list of processes for which industrial furnaces and heating systems covered by the ISO 13577 series are used.
This document deals with significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to combustion and fuel handling systems as listed in Annex A, when used as intended and under the conditions for use as described in the instruction handbook.
This document covers:
- fuel pipework downstream of and including the manual isolating valve;
- combustion air supply (including oxygen and oxygen enriched combustion air) and flue gas system;
- burner(s), burner system and ignition device;
- functional requirements for safety related control system.
This document applies to any oxidation of gaseous and liquid fuels with air or other gases containing free oxygen to release thermal energy in TPE. Annex B includes examples of gaseous and liquid fuels.
For thermal or catalytic post combustion and waste incineration, this document applies only to auxiliary burners designed to start-up and/or support the process.
The pressure hazard of the piping and components covered by this document is within the maximum pressure/size relationship of category I as specified in Annex C.
This document also gives the necessary requirements regarding information for use.
This document does not cover hazards from heating generated by electricity.
This document does not deal with the hazards created by the release of flammable substances from the products processed in the TPE.
This document is not applicable to combustion and fuel handling systems:
- of gas welding and allied processes;
- up-stream of the TPE manual isolating valve.
This document is not applicable to industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment (TPE), including single and multiple burner systems in thermoprocessing equipment and machines manufactured before the date of its publication.
This document is not applicable to blast furnaces, converters (in steel plants), boilers, fired heaters (including reformer furnaces) in the petrochemical and chemical industries.
This document is not applicable to electrical cabling and power cabling upstream of the TPE control panel/protective system.

Označení ČSN EN ISO 13577-2 (065011)
Katalogové číslo 519147
Cena 945 Kč945
Datum schválení 1. 6. 2024
Datum účinnosti 1. 7. 2024
Jazyk angličtina (obsahuje pouze anglický originál), připravuje se převzetí v češtině
Počet stran 120 stran formátu A4
EAN kód 8596135191475
Norma byla zrušena k 1. 1. 2025
a nahrazena ČSN EN ISO 13577-2 (065011)
Tato norma nahradila ČSN EN 746-2 (065011) z dubna 2011
Dostupnost skladem (tisk na počkání)

Další příbuzné normy

ČSN EN ISO 13577-4 (065011)
Průmyslové pece a přidružená zařízení - Bezpečnost - Část 4: Ochranné systémy
