This European Standard is applicable for internally coated cylindrical aluminium tubes, mainly used for the packing of pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food or other household products.
The internal coating is used as a barrier and should avoid any contact between aluminium and the product. This standard defines the copper sulphate method to detect the electrolyte conductivity as one criterion for the quality of the internal coating.
The electrolyte conductivity of the internal coating is only one criterion for evaluation of the quality of an internal coating. It does not give any information on the quantity or size of any pores or uncoated areas, nor any hint on possible reactions between the aluminium tube and the product. The electrolyte conductivity should never be used as the sole criterion for quality evaluation of the internal coating, but always with other parameters e.g. film thickness, acetone and/or ammonia resistance and of course results of enhanced stability studies.
Označení | ČSN EN 15384-2 (771011) |
Katalogové číslo | 502459 |
Cena | 190 Kč190 |
Datum schválení | 1. 7. 2017 |
Datum účinnosti | 1. 8. 2017 |
Jazyk | angličtina (obsahuje pouze anglický originál) |
Počet stran | 12 stran formátu A4 |
EAN kód | 8596135024599 |
Tato norma nahradila | ČSN EN 15384 (771011) z května 2008 |
Dostupnost | skladem (tisk na počkání) |
ČSN EN 15384-1 (771011)
Obaly - Zkušební metody k určení pórovitosti vnitřní ochranné vrstvy flexibilních hliníkových tub - Část 1: Sodíko chlórový test