ČSN ETSI EN 301 428 V2.1.2 (876032)

Družicové pozemské stanice a systémy (SES) - Harmonizovaná norma pokrývající základní požadavky článku 3.2 Směrnice 2014/53/EU na koncová zařízení s velmi malou aperturou (VSAT) - Družicové pozemské stanice určené pouze pro vysílání, pro vysílání/příjem nebo pouze pro příjem, provozované v kmitočtových pásmech 11/12/14 GHz

ČSN ETSI EN 301 428 V2.1.2 Družicové pozemské stanice a systémy (SES) - Harmonizovaná norma pokrývající základní požadavky článku 3.2 Směrnice 2014/53/EU na koncová zařízení s velmi malou aperturou (VSAT) - Družicové pozemské stanice určené pouze pro vysílání, pro vysílání/příjem nebo pouze pro příjem, provozované v kmitočtových pásmech 11/12/14 GHz
titulní stránka
(kliknutím zvětšíte)
Cena: 590 Kč
včetně 0 % DPH
tisk na počkání

Anotace obsahu normy

The present document specifies technical characteristics and methods of measurements for Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs) equipment which have the following characteristics:
- The VSAT is operating in one or more frequency ranges in the part of the following bands allocated exclusively to the Fixed Satellite Services (FSS):
- 14,00 GHz to 14,25 GHz (earth-to-space);
- 12,50 GHz to 12,75 GHz (space-to-earth);
or in the shared parts of the following bands, allocated to the FSS and Fixed Services (FS):
- 14,25 GHz to 14,50 GHz (earth-to-space);
- 10,70 GHz to 11,70 GHz (space-to-earth).
- The VSAT uses linear polarization.
- The VSAT operates through a geostationary satellite at least 3° away from any other geostationary satellite operating in the same frequency band and covering the same area.
- The VSAT antenna diameter does not exceed 3,8 m, or equivalent effective area.
- The VSAT is either:
- a transmit only VSAT: designed for transmission only of radio-communications signals in any of the frequency bands (earth-to-space) specified above; or
- a transmit and receive VSAT: designed for transmission and reception of radio-communications signals in any of the frequency bands specified above; or
- a receive only VSAT: designed for reception only of radio-communications signals in any of the frequency bands (space-earth) specified above.
- The VSAT is designed usually for unattended operation.
- The VSAT is operating as part of a satellite network (e.g. star, mesh or point-to-point) used for the distribution and/or exchange of information between users.
- The transmit only and transmit and receive VSAT is controlled and monitored by a Centralized Control and Monitoring Function (CCMF). The CCMF is outside the scope of the present document.
The present document applies to the VSAT with its ancillary equipment and its various terrestrial ports, and when operated within the boundary limits of the operational environmental profile declared by the applicant and when installed as required by the applicant by declaration or in the user documentation.
The present document is intended to cover the provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU [i.5] (RE Directive) article 3.2, which states that ". radio equipment shall be so constructed that it both effectively uses and supports the efficient use of spectrum in order to avoid harmful interference".

Označení ČSN ETSI EN 301 428 V2.1.2 (876032)
Katalogové číslo 503147
Cena 590 Kč590
Datum schválení 1. 12. 2017
Datum účinnosti 1. 1. 2018
Jazyk angličtina (obsahuje pouze anglický originál)
Počet stran 72 stran formátu A4
EAN kód 8596135031474
Dostupnost skladem (tisk na počkání)